#1 Trade Magazine about cleaning services and similar products in Greece

Continuous display, in 24,350 Greek Companies

Dry and Clean is the only Greek, trade magazine for cleaning stores, dyeing stores, dry-cleaning enterprises, industrial laundries, self-service laundromats, and carpet cleaners. It is a magazine, designed exclusively for businesses of this industry.

Dry & Clean is a bi-monthly magazine, (6 issues per year) and it gives you the opportunity to be constantly in the hands of every relate professional - business owner in Greece.

The printed version of the magazine is sending by EL.TA (Greek Post Office) to more than 3,500 businesses, while more than 20,850 hotels and luxury accommodations (villas) in Greece, receive it in a digital form.

The stores, where the magazine is sending in printed form are: dry-cleaning enterprises, industrial laundries, self-service laundromats, and carpet cleaners, to all businesses with machinery, consumables, services, etc. that cooperate with all businesses in the dry-cleaning sector, but also in office buildings cleaning services companies, as in other facilities and 5 star hotels all over Greece.

The magazine is travelling also in digital form to: all Greek Hotels, Luxury Accommodations (villas), Camping facilities and Yachting businesses.

In the magazine’ s index, you will find articles with technical issues, opinions from professionals related to this type of businesses, news about future technologies, marketing, and development issues and in general everything that concerns entrepreneurs from this field of business.

Place an Ad Banner in Dry & Clean because:


You enter 3,500 + 20,850 companies that receive the magazine. This is the most efficient way to promote your business and acquire new customers


You may choose among several and different options of promotion at almost every page of the magazine. Ask for the detailed price list and the ways you can promote



It is practical in size, colorful, elegant, with useful and interesting index because it contains articles and topics that concern the professionals of the specific industry, so that it becomes a "tool" in the hands of every professional. This makes your ad even more effective


Your Dry & Clean Ad is a constant reminder to  Your Potential Customers!

Don’t forget that you will be in their hands every day